Tag Archives: Share the MoJo

Independence from Mosquitoes

As we head into the holiday weekend, we know you’re probably looking forward to lots of outdoor fun as you celebrate our country’s independence. (Hotdogs and fireworks anyone?)  How about your independence from mosquitoes?  If you aren’t a Mosquito Joe customer, you may feel like the main course in your own yard when it comes to mosquitoes – call us, we can help with that!

If you are a Mosquito Joe customer, you already know how glorious enjoying your yard without the annoyance of mosquitoes is, and we’re thrilled to be a part of that. But did you know that if you’re hanging out with someone this weekend who isn’t a customer, we’ve got a way you can help them and yourself?  You may not know about our awesome referral program that can earn you credit toward future mosquito control treatments.

Refer a friend and when they sign up for a service, they get $25 off their first treatment and you get $25 in credit toward future services. Pretty sweet deal for both of you, huh? Want more MoJo? Refer another friend and that’s another $25 each.  You can refer up to 20 friends which could give you $500 in credits! What are you waiting for?

Visit the Share the MoJo website and sign up for an account. All you need to get started is a valid email address or a Facebook account to log in. It’s easy to Share the MoJo with your neighbors (especially if they’re wondering how your yard is SO enjoyable at your annual BBQ), friends, and even people you work with through email, social networking sites, or even a personalized URL. Check out the website for details and help everyone in your world get rid of their mosquito problems.

You can save yourself and your friends a lot of bucks…and even more bites.
